
Story Summary: She thought she could walk away.

Canonical Notes: Set well after X3 and several months after "Sunders."

Acknowledgements: Special thanks to Ludi and moviemom44, who both provided me with much food for thought in reviews and kept me writing. Ludi's amazing piece, "Cause and Effect, My Love," actually provided the initial inspiration.
Story Summary: She dreams of touch.

Canonical Notes: Set well after X3 and several months after "Dreams."

Acknowledgements: Special thanks to Ludi and moviemom44, who both provided me with much food for thought in reviews of "Dances" and kept me writing. Ludi's amazing piece, "Cause and Effect, My Love," actually provided the initial inspiration.
Story Summary: She promised to love him unconditionally.

Canonical Notes: Set well after X3.

Acknowledgements: I acknowledge my sources of inspiration, coup fatal, moviemom44, and Ludi. Thank you for inspiring, questioning, and indirectly encouraging this story arc.