

- 10 -

v. to defraud.


- 9 -

n. an outlaw or rebel.


- 8 -

adj. large, destructive, and anomalous or unpredictable.


- 7 -

v. to live or act as a rogue.

Chapter One: Le Diable Blanc

"The White Devil"

- How did you do that? -
- With style, petite. With style. -

Jubilee and Gambit, X-Men TV Series, "Night of the Sentinels (Part 1)"


Story Summary: Rogue loses her memories and becomes embroiled in a wager over Gambit's survival.

Canonical Notes: Set a few years following the events of X3.

Author's Note: I know I'm supposed to be writing the next chapter of All's Fair, but this story kept banging around in my brain until I gave up and started writing it. I'm ignoring the Wolverine movie and it's chronology (seeing as it's not out yet), because it only fits partway with what I'm wanting to do anyway. It's a little bit of a rougher ride. Hope you don't mind.

- 6 -

v. to perform this operation of roguing upon.


- 5 -

v. to uproot or destroy that which does not conform to a desired standard.


- 4 -

adj. having an abnormally savage or unpredictable disposition.




"You're always welcome to come with me," Logan offered as he packed his one duffel yet again in preparation to leave.

Rogue curled up a little tighter in his chair. "Running?"

He zipped up the bag and looked at her, really looked at her. "Nah. Just breathing. Sometimes you need some space to find yourself." His gaze held understanding, a precious commodity lately.

She nodded. "I'll tell Bobby."

She told him. He tried to stop her, unable to see that it was too late to try and change anything between them that had already been broken and shattered like icicles spattered on the ground around him.

She left him.

She packed her bag and never looked back, riding away with Logan on his motorcycle. Rogue took a deep breath of the afternoon sunshine, Logan's cigar smell, and motorcycle exhaust.

Don't you remember us? We're still here.

She didn't really care. She was Rogue.

And she was breathing.